Cases run through our Midwest Office to better serve the USA.
Services (current) as follows:
Medical History Data
Current to 10-Year Medical History Check
Data returned: Information returned may include but not limited to- major medical institutions visited, dates of visits. When available- diagnosis, prognosis, doctor’s names and treatment etc.
(In addition to the standard medical records information returned to our clients, for NO EXTRA charge we include Chiropractic, Psychological and Radiology intel where available.)
Pharmacy Prescription History
Data returned: Information returned may include but not limited to- medications and indications, dates of prescriptions, doctor/s and identification of associated doctor/s.
Data returned: Information returned may include but not limited to- major medical institutions visited, dates of visits. When available- diagnosis, prognosis, doctor’s names and treatment etc.
(In addition to the standard medical records information returned to our clients, for NO EXTRA charge we include Chiropractic, Psychological and Radiology intel where available.)
Pharmacy Prescription History
Data returned: Information returned may include but not limited to- medications and indications, dates of prescriptions, doctor/s and identification of associated doctor/s.
Physical Therapy History
Current to 5-Year Physical Therapy Check
Data returned: Information returned may include but not limited to- objective rehabilitation visits, rehabilitation treatments, locations and indications.
Health Club Check
Data returned: Information returned may include but not limited to- recent and historical visits/memberships by the subject to health clubs or personal trainers, classes and special programs.
Combined Benefits History
Social Security Benefits Check/Unemployment Benefits Check
Data returned: Information returned may include but not limited to- objective rehabilitation visits, rehabilitation treatments, locations and indications.
Health Club Check
Data returned: Information returned may include but not limited to- recent and historical visits/memberships by the subject to health clubs or personal trainers, classes and special programs.
Combined Benefits History
Social Security Benefits Check/Unemployment Benefits Check
Data returned: Information returned may include but not limited to- Social Security Administration payments to the subject, history of payments, employer/subject contributions, cause, denials and appeals.
Employment History
Current to 2-Year Work History/Current to 5-Year Work History
Data returned: Information returned may include but not limited to- places of employment for subject, job title or trade/union, earnings or estimated earnings, length of employment or estimated length of employment and termination cause.
Social Media Check
Data returned: Information returned may include all open source data Publicly posted for the subject along with Affiliations and Interest. Information connected to the subject of any subversive nature is highlighted as well as information directly related to the subject insurance claim/s if any.
National Locate
Data returned: Information returned is the current whereabouts of the subject; Guaranteed.
National Locate
Data returned: Information returned is the current whereabouts of the subject; Guaranteed.
Note: If you cannot provide the basic identifier information we can supply that information at an extra cost.
Important Final Note: Information returned is variable due to records kept or archived by the subject institution and/or repositories. All information requested must be requested with an attached “Representation of Need” and a “Hold Harmless”. We are agents of our end users and rely on their waivers and authorizations through our intermediate client. We only work with end users, SIU, insurers, business to business. No public sales. All services and pricing are subject to change. We reserve the right to refuse service where deemed appropriate or by matter of law.
Updated 03/10/2021