In our lives we want to believe people are good and we can trust them because we too want to be trusted. Sadly, all too often we have our trust rewarded with the pain and sorrow of finding out the person we believed in and trusted has ripped us off and treated us like so much garbage discarded after being used. What makes it all worse in addition to the financial loss... is it's the people closest to us who we have chosen to trust in deep confidence who have made us a victim.
In our work experience with fraud related cases we have helped many people who otherwise couldn't make things right. We strongly support the police and their work and understand they don't have the time and resources to investigate many fraud related crimes... that's where we can help.
United States law enforcement are a stellar bunch of people doing a great job in mostly overwhelming odds and we rigorously support them. Their time is stretch very thin these days with little time to investigate fraud crimes - that's where Aim Investigations comes into the picture. Our clients hire us to help in cases law enforcement doesn't have time to investigate.
We have investigated some of the most complicated fraud cases imaginable. At our disposal we have accountants and bookkeepers along with attorneys who we can work with to help put all the pieces together. After we find responsive results, we can take the evidence we have acquired and turn it over to local, state and/or federal prosecutors to investigate and prosecute.
We can testify in court and grand juries to verify and swear testimony about the facts and evidence.
Our investigations have netted over one hundred criminal indictments for fraud related cases.
Call us with your investigation needs, there isn't an investigations company in the Northwest who can get the results we can in fraud related cases...
Aim Investigations
Private Investigations Background -Wiki 2016
A handful of skilled private detectives/investigators work with defense attorneys on capital punishment and other criminal defense cases. Many are insurance investigators who investigate suspicious claims. Before the advent of no-fault divorce, many private investigators were hired to search out evidence of adultery or other conduct within marriage to establish grounds for a divorce. Despite the lack of legal necessity for such evidence in many jurisdictions, according to press reports collecting evidence of adultery or other "bad behaviour" by spouses and partners is still one of the most profitable activities investigators undertake, as the stakes being fought over now are child custody, alimony, or marital property disputes.[2]
Most jurisdictions require a clean criminal record at the licensing application entry point. When a board of directors exists, it will review an applicant's appeal to determine whether the board can approve the application based on the elapsed amount of time since the last offence was recorded. The board of appeal may approve an application based on good conduct within the last five to ten years.
Private investigators can also be used to perform due diligence for an investor who may be considering investing money with an investment group, fund manager or other high-risk business or investment venture. This could serve to help the prospective investor avoid being the victim of a fraud or Ponzi scheme. By hiring a licensed and experienced investigator, they could unearth information that the investment is risky and or that the investor has suspicious red flags in his or her background. This is called investigative due diligence, and is becoming much more prevalent in the 21st century with the public reports of large-scale Ponzi schemes and fraudulent investment vehicles such as Madoff, Stanford, Petters, Rothstein and the hundreds of others reported by the SEC and other law-enforcement agencies.
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