United States law enforcement are a stellar bunch of people doing a great job in mostly overwhelming odds and we rigorously support them. Their time is stretch very thin these days with little time to investigate fraud crimes - that's where Aim Investigations comes into the picture. Our clients hire us to help in cases law enforcement doesn't have time to investigate.
We have investigated some of the most complicated fraud cases imaginable. At our disposal we have accountants and bookkeepers along with attorneys who we can work with to help put all the pieces together. After we find responsive results, we can take the evidence we have acquired and turn it over to local, state and/or federal prosecutors to investigate and prosecute.
We can testify in court and grand juries to verify and swear testimony about the facts and evidence.
Our investigations have netted over one hundred criminal indictments for fraud related cases.
Call us with your investigation needs, there isn't an investigations company in the Northwest who can get the results we can in fraud related cases...
Aim Investigations